I empower and help determined and open-minded individuals reclaim control, overcome pain, and thrive with newfound happiness, calmness and strength. 

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Have you exhausted every physical treatment and intervention for managing your chronic pain, and still your symptoms are relentless?

To fully overcome your pain once and for all, you have to unearth the root causes of your pain, and that is exactly what I am here to help you do.

Despite everything you’ve been told about healing your physical pain with a physical solution, there is likely something deeper going on here…

You may may be experiencing what is called Neuroplastic pain or Mind-Body Syndrome.

This is where the brain creates REAL physical sensations, such as pain, numbness, tingling, achiness, tightness and many other symptoms, based on misinterpreted signals from the body's nervous system, NOT from structural damage.

In other words, your brain may continuously believe that your body is in "danger" and it's trying to warn you by sending your body "false alarm" signals, such as pain.

Neuroplastic pain is a mind-body misinterpretation problem, NOT a physical problem.

If you're so READY to say goodbye to your pain and limitations and say hello to a life filled with endless possibilities, I can help you.


Like most of us do,

I sought help from the conventional medical system to find the causes of my symptoms. I had a CT scan of my brain, blood work drawn, and food sensitivity tests conducted for my GI issues. I was told my problems were caused by wheat, dairy, eggs and perhaps hormonal imbalances since I was approaching my forties.

Despite completely removing intolerant foods from my diet, exercising, stretching and getting massage therapy for my neck tension and migraines, my symptoms were still not resolved.

I felt desperate, frustrated, and defeated, and I was determined to find a way out of my pain.

This is when I discovered Mindbody Medicine.


How you can work with me:

Rise Above Pain: Group Coaching Program

A transformative journey of physical healing, self-development and empowerment.

Exclusive 1:1 Personalized Coaching

Experience transformational change and embrace a renewed sense of empowerment with this exclusive personalized coaching program.

Mind-Body Workshop

2-Day Live Virtual Workshop: Transforming Pain to Power


I was introduced to a whole new way of looking at things, and I learned how to better deal with stress, and how to reprogram my brain to control the way it reacts when it feels "threats" (pain). Results were simply amazing! Within 2 days, my mysterious pain disappeared and I threw my cane away. Now, two months later, I’m more calm, happy, resilient, and feel safe in pretty much everything I do without any pain. It wasn’t an easy journey, but with Valerie’s guidance and support, my belief and discipline, this mind-body coaching approach certainly worked for me.



About two years ago (2022), I started to experience several medical symptoms: my feet became numb and were really hurting, my legs were swelling, and my sleep was significantly disturbed. My doctors struggled unsuccessfully to find the causes. My wife suggested that I ask Valerie Beaulieu (a Mind-Body Life Coach) if she could help – and so I transitioned over to Valerie. I had several Zoom sessions with Valerie. The upshot of all of this was that my feet pain went away and I started to sleep better. In addition, she helped me look at life differently and helped me realize that 95% of all pain is neuroplastic – ie: controlled by the brain – and as such can be relieved by thinking differently. Quite the revelation!!! And quite the pain relief!!! Thank you, Valerie.

I started working with Valerie using the mind-body approach to help me with chronic pain I’ve been suffering with for 15 years. I have tried many different methods and therapies that have failed to provide relief over the last decade. What was different with the mind-body approach was the amount of control I have over the pain. Before working with Valerie I wasn’t aware of the power of thoughts/ attitude / and intent. Not only has my chronic pain decreased to an insignificant level through this work, I have been motivated to start working out again and have begun strengthening my old injury, something I never thought I would be able to do again. This is just one example of the many added benefits that came from my work with Valerie. In the end, it was so much more than just pain relief. The sessions focused on strengthening the connection of the body and mind which ended up having a profound effect on how I want to approach many aspects of my life. The control and calmness that the program helped me harness have been a huge help. Without a doubt, I would absolutely recommend this approach to anyone suffering from chronic pain who hasn’t been able to find relief with other methods. I am incredibly grateful to Valerie and am very grateful for the program.


The latest from my blog 

Why Do Some People Develop Pain And Others Don't?

Jun 24, 2024

Uncovering Your Thoughts and Beliefs

Jul 01, 2024

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